Business Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Business leaders at a critical decision point can find a steady, smart, outside advisor extremely valuable in sorting out their options and clearing away obstacles to an optimal decision or course of action.

I bring a deep knowledge of people as complex individuals with hidden wells of emotion and myriad resources. I have talent and training in listening to what lies beneath the surface of language and behavior and quickly identifying patterns, obstacles and opportunities.

I’ve been helping people uncover their deepest values and needs for decades. This is an essential element for determining the best course to take when you are faced with a major new opportunity. Working together in a series of confidential conversations, we systematically clear away confusion, sort out the emotions you’re feeling, understand which ones you must not ignore, and put together an overarching narrative that places your critical decision in a context that reflects your life and values.

In our consultation sessions, I also help you assess the psychology of your counterparts in a deal or the principals involved in a new opportunity. We unearth manipulation if it’s there and look for an optimal match of values, goals, and personalities in new partnerships. We consider your other commitments, obligations, and goals and understand how your various options will interact with these essential parts of your life. In my experience this kind of consultation leads to tremendous clarity, with inappropriate options falling away, old fears evaporating, and a true clarity and confidence of purpose.

Examples of situations where this service is especially valuable include:

  • You’ve built your own business over 20 years and now have a buyout offer. Do you want to take it or continue as the owner?
  • You’re considering a new partnership. Is this a marriage that will go the distance?
  • A partnership is ending. How do you disengage with grace and goodwill, and with your interests protected?
  • You are the head of a family foundation, and you’ve agreed with the board that it’s time to step aside and turn over leadership to a new generation. You know it’s the right decision but find yourself unable to act.